The Conflict and Bond Between Christianity and Islam - The Common Denominator
This is not a religious article but an article about religion for IQD Investors.
For Christians, God is a loving and merciful deity who sent his son Jesus Christ to earth to save humanity from sin. The central message of Christianity is one of forgiveness and redemption, and Christians believe that they must spread this message to others.
Muslims, on the other hand, follow the teachings of the prophet Muhammad and believe in a strict interpretation of the Quran. For Muslims, the central message of their faith is one of submission to God's will, and they believe they must spread Islam to others.
The conflict between these two religions has led to countless wars, conflicts, and acts of violence over the years. While there are undoubtedly many Christians and Muslims who live peacefully alongside one another, many also see the other religion as a threat to their way of life.
Hidden Annamoisity
Despite the many differences between Christianity and Islam, there are also many similarities. Both faiths strongly emphasize prayer and believe in the importance of living a good and moral life. Ultimately, the conflict between these two religions reminds us of the importance of tolerance, understanding, and respect for those who believe differently than we do.
It's interesting to consider the deeper issues surrounding the story of Abraham's first son. There's a belief that this child represented the Arab people, and it's said that when he and his mother were sent into the desert with very little food or water, this even caused a rift between Christians and Muslims. Many Muslims believe that they are the true firstborn of Abraham, which has led to silent tension between the two groups.
Common Views
A second unspoken difference is that many Christians believe Christ was more than a mere man or prophet. This debate is a universal question that has been debated for centuries by scholars, theologians, and laypeople alike. It is a deeply personal topic that often leads to passionate discussions among those with different beliefs. Regardless of where one falls on the spectrum of belief, it is clear that Christ's impact on the world has been immeasurable and continues to influence countless lives today.
Some Muslims believe that individuals who view Christ as a magical deity may not be fit for leadership roles. Additionally, they may believe this belief system could contribute to a decline in morality and the ability to make sound judgments. However, it's important to note that not all Muslims necessarily share these views, and opinions can vary greatly within the community.
Strangely enough, Muslims believe that Jesus called 'Isa in Arabic, was the son of Mary and was conceived without the intervention of a human father. The Qur'an describes an angel appearing to Mary to announce the "gift of a holy son" (19:19). However, it is after this one factor that the two religions go separate ways. The Muslim faith views Christ as a great MAN, as a prophet. Whereas many Christians believe Christ to be far more than a mere man.
Decaying Morals on Both Sides
There are decaying morals in both the Middle East and the West. Iraq continues to deal with illegal drugs being shipped in and out of the country, while the United States is dealing with a significant hike in violence, much of which is due to the consumption of illegal drugs and mental illness.
There appears to be a worldwide, organized effort to provide drugs to inhabitants in certain parts of Europe and the United States.
Number of Christians in the World
Prayer is the common denominator for both of the religions. Almost one-third of the global population is Christian, with Roman Catholicism taking up the majority, about 1.3 billion. Protestantism, Evangelicalism, Orthodoxy, Anglicanism, and more subgroups are included in that percentage.
Number of Muslims in the World
People who practice Islam, the second-largest religion in the world after Christianity, are known as Muslims. Close to two billion individuals around the globe adhere to this faith, which is based upon the teachings of its founder Prophet Muhammad.
In summary, prayer is the common denominator for Muslim and Christian religions.